2013年11月25日 星期一

自己delete 了自己個post,打返先。(我果然係偏執狂。)

There is always a temptation to hate. Simply because people on earth can be so ridiculous! Sometimes I suspect they are undercovers sent from hell without souls nor feelings, the only duty is to provoke all the other beings, so that they will become as evil as them---then they can have more companions when they are fired. On the surface they look perfectly classy, they are! Because they  passed all the madness to people around them. They keep their balance by making other people crazy. So if you are crazy, please admire yourself, because I am quite sure you are actually a nice person ( But for those who assume crazy means being wild, and being wild means cool, please stop your terrible narcissism, OK?) Craziness is like a bittercup that all saints have to drink. I guess that the way it is. Amen.

